Thursday, August 7, 2008

Make them see?

I want the world to fucking no that Manny loves me just as much as I love him. Daddy is who I'm referring to world. This man believes I am not a person because I cannot feel or think with the mind of my own. He says I'm too young to no anything about love but I no exactly how it feels. I no what its like to get hurt and heartbroken, and I no what its like to love someone so much the way I do with Manny.
Yes, I am only 18 but I'm HUMAN and I do have a heart. My baby is leaving to RI for work & I won't be seeing him as much. My father says "so what". I'm going to miss him so much & my father doesn't think its a big deal.
Sometimes I think that Daddy doesn't have a heart. He doesn't look at his girlfriend the way I do to Manny... he doesn't touch, or laugh or play... He doesn't no ANYTHING ABOUT LOVE. We'll prove him wrong. We'lll get married the right way and grow old with each other. Wonder what Daddy will say then.