Monday, March 30, 2009
Be Back Soon
Posted by Who am I really? at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hello Kitty Mouse
♥Hello Kitty is the SHIT!
Ok so I was on searching, like always, lol and I ran into this cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute mouse for my laptop! AND YES, I ordered it :) Cost me $8.99 with no shipping. HOLLA! Lol. I can't wait to freaking get it. Isn't it beautiful? I love it ^_^
Posted by Who am I really? at 11:26 PM 1 comments
Good Day Gone Bad.
On better terms,
Posted by Who am I really? at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Katy Perry- Thinking of You
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Bye Bye L Word///
Max never gave birth. They showed when she was shaving her beard and OMG I thought she was gona become girly, but I guess not. Helena and Dilian, wtffffffffff was that all about! I think they were cute together. God, Jenny was fucked up for snitching on Helena about testing Dilian. Blah. Hmmm, who else. OH! Alice found out that ugly girl (I forgot her name) was in love with Tasha but wtf Tasha disappeared for like 2 days on Alice and they never showed anything if she fucked that girl or something lol. And last but not least my bitch, JENNY SCHECTER! Holy shit, when Shayne found Molly's letter in her leather coat and the negatives to Lez Girlz in the atic whoa, what a bitch. But I saw it coming. I love her though, lol. WHY SHE HAD TO DIE!? ;( I think she killed herself because she felt bad about everything, but idk? A lot of people think someone killed her iono. All I no is that I'm gona miss this show od and I wish they would make at least one more season. Someone pleasde consider it!
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fred Flare
(a couple blocks north from the Nassau Ave stop on the G train)
Posted by Who am I really? at 9:54 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Something that broke my heart...

Lily: "There was a lot of stuff when I miscarried my child, you know, that people wrote really negative things about," she tells Spinner. "Why they thought I miscarried, like I'd been drinking or smoking or that kind of stuff. It was really upsetting."
ASSHOLES! God, can people be any more rude and cruel? Shit. They also asked her what her biggest fear was and OMG its my biggest fear too ;(
Lily: "Biggest fear? I guess, dying alone maybe," she tells Spinner. "I don't think about it a lot, but if I think about what I'm most scared of, that would probably be it."
Poor Lily. I hope everything works out for her. I LOVE YOU LILY ALLEN!
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Good Times :)
BRITISH ACCENT! from Mimi Rosario on Vimeo.
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:14 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Back at it again
12:10pm and I'm sitting in school bored. I'm in ENZ 099 which is a writing english class that I take because as you all know, I LOVE TO WRITE. I kinda missed college. It keeps me occupied and I enjoy what I learn. Right now, I'm waiting for this shit to end. Its now 12:12 and it doesnt end till 12:45, great! My professor, Havis, assigned us an essay and I'm already done lol. Cool thing is that we are allowed to type it instead of writing it which I think is so much better. :)
My class is filled with faces I never seen and I miss my friends a hella lot. Blah, I'm meeting up with Jackie and Chuleta after this class which should be interesting. I'M STARVING! I neeeeeeeed pizza, lol. I'ma take a few pictures and post them here later. Toodles
-Mimi Rosario
Posted by Who am I really? at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Life Update
My life isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, I don't have a job yet but I sure am trying. Things are hard now a days but I'm managing. School starts tomorrow and I feel excited. I rather be in school doing stuff I like then being home and arguing with my mother 24/7.
Oh and FYI, those who read my blog, I do love writing. Its not that I sit home all day and do shit or what you might call "free time", writing is a hobby of mine which I love doing and people learn to appriecate my work. ANYWAYS, theres so much shit to do, so much shit coming up... my step mother is 6 months and still counting. Her baby shower is in May. My friend Yomara's babyshower is this month and she's due in May. I met Yomi on deviantart and she's pretty cool :) I've grown attached to her and her pregnancy days lol. I'm so excited to see her and little Demi! She's one of those people who appreciate my blog, thanks girlie. Another majorrrr event is my little brother's birthday on March 31st. Elliot is turning 2 years old! Jeez, how time flys huh. Wierd thing, I was googling like always lol, and I typed in March 31st events and Selena died on my brother's birthday. WHOA. Theres this thing my family says, when someone dies, a new life is born. Like they give their life for another. So thank you Selena, rest in peace.
As for me and Manny, we doing good. He's in a hard time in his life that he has to struggle but I am here to help and be by his side. I love him so much.
Well, I need to get dressed. I'm going shopping with Daddie-O lol, I'll be back to finish this post. Toodles!
Posted by Who am I really? at 1:55 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
For Manny, only
People ask if I'm in love with you cause I'm sitting here with your picture and smiling to myself. I'm kinda lost in my own thoughts of you. My heart speaks before my mind thinks through and I blush as I say yes. YES, I'm in love with you.
Your lips, your eyes, your smile, your kiss I must admit it's a part of me. You please me, complete me, filling me like a melody. Your soul, your flow, your youth, your truth is simply proof that we were meant to be. But the best quality that's hooking me is that you're loving me for me.
It's so amazing how something so sweet has come and rearranged my life. I've been kissed by destiny. Heaven came and saved me, an angel was placed at my feet. This isn't ordinary but I'm so lucky because He's loving me for me.
I'm stripped of all make-up, no need for fancy clothes, no cover ups, no push ups, with him I don't have to put on a show. He loves every freckle, every curve, every inch of my skin. Fulfilling me entirely, taking all of me in. He's real, he's honesty... He's loving me for me
Posted by Who am I really? at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
October 5, 2007 //happy anniversary to us!
Posted by Who am I really? at 4:22 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tmobile G1 Review
Posted by Who am I really? at 11:20 AM 2 comments