Friday, December 26, 2008
Maine said...
"its a drug that i refuse to mess with anymore, and ill be that way for a while.its so much like weed, the only difference is that... you roll up emotion and inhale/ exhale tears and a rush of other feelings you dont understand hence the word LOVE."
WHOA. My nigga Jermaine spoke the truth right there. I knew this kid since 5th grade and damnit he is so freakin' funny. Lol, and as you can see, he knows how to put the right words together. Thanks for the comment ;)
Posted by Who am I really? at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
My Baby, Canon
Posted by Who am I really? at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Getting into the Christmas Spirit?
Posted by Who am I really? at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
3 Months and Counting...

NO, people I am not pregnant. Lol, this is my daddy's baby :) Ana is 3 months pregnant and counting! What is ittttttt what is it! I'm dieing to know! Idk if its a boy or girl so I named em Pookie for now, lmao. POOKIE is making me old ;( and so is my other little brother Elliot. Damnit! I love you both! Your big sister & your big brother can't wait to meet you little one! <3
Posted by Who am I really? at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
PS: school's out
Posted by Who am I really? at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Ugly Betty Look-a-like
Posted by Who am I really? at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Its crazy that out of all the shit you put me through, I still manage to be so in love with you. Haha, that rhymes. But yeah. I guess my happiness has been in you the whole time. I love you Manny and I will never stop loving you.
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Love causes anxiety?
Posted by Who am I really? at 5:40 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Let you get the best of me
Posted by Who am I really? at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The peek of heartache
What's happening to us? I didn't know missing you would hurt this much. This isn't an "LOL" matter.
Posted by Who am I really? at 5:18 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
College Drop-Out?
Posted by Who am I really? at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monkey see Monkey do.
I've realized that this world has many fake people. Its pretty amusing. Alittle, ok well not alittle, but VERY MUCH pittiful. The people who smile in my face and talk shit behind my back; your a WASTE OF TIME. A waste of sperm and life, haha. Why be jealous, thats beyond my understanding. Jealousy should be illegal in the damn country. Hating too. Liars, cheaters, hoes and smuts should be locked away for all eternity.. but thats only in my world. This cruel planet has nothing to offer me & I wish I could end it all. Friends? When can you really call someone a friend? A TRUE, HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY, ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU, NEVER TALK SHIT KIND OF FRIEND? All people talk shit. Even the ones that you consider so close to you. I trust no one but God, and thats the honest truth.
Posted by Who am I really? at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Fake Friend #1: Jenny
Shorty did me dirty. Lol, everyone was right about her being a Hoe but I thought her being my friend and being a hoe, had nothing to do with me. But I was WRONG.
1. Your Pussy because you won't even write back to me.
2. You got some brass balls in them dirty panties of yours.
3. You wanna try to fuck with my man? You gota get through me first.
I'm wifey and I'm the only one that matters. In the end, your nothing but a hoe. And sweetie, that's nothing to be proud of. You walk around with it written all over your face like its a prize you won. You look down and laugh at me? No Baby, I'm way above you on any standards. You know, I feel sorry for your man.. What would he say if he found out about all the guys you fucked or went down on? Your simply NASTY. No wonder I heard your pussy stinks, you fuck everyone and maybe everything. You say I'm immature? Lol Tell me what immature means ma, cause I think your name falls under it. The only immature person here is you, not me. Be a woman, fight me. Back up what your mouth runs.
You got my number, you know where I be, come see me. Oh, and great way to end a friendship, smh.
Lesson of the Day, Week, Month, Fucking Year: TRUST NO BITCH
Posted by Who am I really? at 9:12 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
College Shit
2 hours of math class is way too much for my little brain -_- But its fun now, lol. Sitting with Bri,Karla, and Tiffany. They're so hilarious and I love them. I got my college crew now lol.
Posted by Who am I really? at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Birthday Goodies
Oct. 11, 2008 At Tahona
october 9th- happy birthday to meeeeeee ;-*
Posted by Who am I really? at 9:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A hole in my heart
I hate not seeing him or not being able to talk to him as much. He never has time for a break and when he's out of work I'm trying to stay up but eventually end up falling asleep.
Life's unfair and times like this is when I need to hold on because I know the outcome will be a great success... THE PERFECT RELATIONSHIP.
I love you Manny & I know that this will make us stronger.
I miss you
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
This circle never ends...
But my life is changing, isn't it? College? Work? Becoming a real woman? Marriage maybe? Happily ever after? Well I don't believe in none of that anymore, if that even make sense. Times, I love my life, and times, like now, I hate it. I feel that I will never be happy for as long as I wanna be. Summer, was worst than its ever been for me. Will fall, winter and spring be the same?
I say to myself, Hey Joanne, your 18! And in college! You have a great boyfriend, some great ass friends, not the perfect family but they love you. What else do you want?
What else do I want? I don't know... I'm not trying to ungreatful because compared to other people, I have a perfect life. But what I if I don't want this perfect life? I'm not a perfectionist so why should anything be perfect?
Maybe I should take a look at life from a different perspective. See the unseeable, think the unthinkable... Or maybe, I don't care anymore.
Posted by Who am I really? at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I'm just too nice...
Posted by Who am I really? at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dear Lissy,
Posted by Who am I really? at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Daughterly Love?
stronger, way more wiser
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ingredients of Love
Posted by Who am I really? at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Pump my brakes
I've realized that my life is going way fast & I started to wonder why no one has tried to stop me from rushing. I admit, I'm a person who always rushes into things but I didn't realize I've been OCD about it. I always wanted to just be older point blank. When I was 10, I was dying to be 16. And when I was 16 I was dieing to be 20, if that even makes any sense. In my previous post, I mentioned how much I miss highschool, which I do. I just miss being a little kid period. PUMP YOUR BRAKES, yeah thats a good way to put it.
Posted by Who am I really? at 11:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Highschool VS College
Schools in other what, 2 weeks? Maybe alittle less than that. I thought I'd be super excited about starting college but I'm not. I'm still in "highschool mode" and I miss it a lot. I wish I can start it all over along with fixing and avoiding mistakes. But I mean, it was worth it because in the end, everything turned out how it was suppose to... I got my highschool sweetheart and I graduated on time along with being the flyest bitch at prom, haha. Damn, I sure do have a lot of memories of highschool. 4 years felt like 40 years. I wish I didn't fucking rush it cause now I regret it. Yeah I hated waking up 5 45 every morning, and hated picking out my outfit half asleep and taking that looooooooong bus ride. Oh yeah and going through scanning lol. But it was a great experience. I learned a lot of shit in school. It changed me from a little girl to a young woman that I have grown to be.
How time flys. I watch my little brother in law (Roy), graduate and now going to the school I went to and I'm so excited for him. I wish I was in his fucking shoes right now. Theres so much more I wanted to do in highschool and never got the chance to. Be a cheerleader, join the softball team, the poetry club... Ah man, I cry just thinking how stupid I was for not joining all those little club shits. Damn, I guess I really do miss being a kid.
PS: To all the youngings, don't rush it. Enjoy highschool, dream big.
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:53 PM 1 comments
Love; a package deal?
Getting with Manny has been the greatest decision I ever made but I didn't know it came with a package deal... Haters & Hoes. I'm sick of lies people try telling me & I'm sick of people trying to put shit in my head. Here's alittle something for all the people that fit in this package, FUCK YOU. Enough is enough. No one can ever change my mind about how I feel for Manny. Point blank, end of story, FINITO! He was who he was in the past, but now that I'm here, he's changed and I'm here to STAY. He's mine, he loves me, I'm Wifey & together we are something serious... something special. GET OVER IT.
Please & Thank you.
Posted by Who am I really? at 11:05 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
3 years late
Till then...
Posted by Who am I really? at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Posted by Who am I really? at 7:15 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Too much heart for my own good
Posted by Who am I really? at 4:52 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Brooklyn is my home and I miss it so freakin' much :(
Posted by Who am I really? at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Happier Today.
I smile cause I'm happy :) I'm happy because everything is going so much better than usual. <3
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
I love you
Posted by Who am I really? at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Last Day
Posted by Who am I really? at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Make them see?
Yes, I am only 18 but I'm HUMAN and I do have a heart. My baby is leaving to RI for work & I won't be seeing him as much. My father says "so what". I'm going to miss him so much & my father doesn't think its a big deal.
Sometimes I think that Daddy doesn't have a heart. He doesn't look at his girlfriend the way I do to Manny... he doesn't touch, or laugh or play... He doesn't no ANYTHING ABOUT LOVE. We'll prove him wrong. We'lll get married the right way and grow old with each other. Wonder what Daddy will say then.
Posted by Who am I really? at 1:57 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Chris Crocker
I love you <3
When Men Get Horny
Self Love
The Bible
Posted by Who am I really? at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Get up and leave?
I'd runaway to a faraway place that no one would ever find me if I could.. like some where magical. But wait, that shit don't exist. Life is hell & I wish to escape it. ;( Only in my Dreams I could.
To dream of living in paradise, having everything I need and having
"when it comes down to sink or swim
when it comes down to me or him
i close my eyes wishing i could decide
the life I wanna live
what's best for me hurts the most
giving up an addiction that has me coaxed
is harder than i thought it would be
is harder than i want it to be
i've been thrown for a loop
forgotten my fate
if i can't have him i guess i should pray
to care about myself
because it aint coming naturally
the devine one better be real
otherwise, i'm my own worst enemy
because my heart is begging to be put out of it's misery
and the fire is becoming too hot to care
and the fight is getting harder to bare
i don't care about sympathy
i don't care about caring
i only care about winning this man's heart
and if i can't have it, someone else will
and since i can't have it, i might as well kill"
-Chris Crocker
Posted by Who am I really? at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
10 Beautiful Months ♥
Its been 10 months I've been with Manny and it feels almost like forever. My feelings haven't changed one bit for him, except that they have grown stronger since Day 1. I love every bit of this man and I'd give my all to him. They say love blinds another and makes you do things that are unexplainable, well I guess they were right. Nothing will ever change the way I feel for him and I plan to spend the rest of my days with him. I love you Babe & Happy 10 months.
"I'll be seeing you in every lovely summer's day, in every thing that's light and gay. I'll always think of you that way."
-Billie Holiday
Posted by Who am I really? at 9:45 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Way past Childhood.
Parents only want the best for their children, but you can't always pick them up when they get hurt. A girl needs to learn from her mistakes, not having Mommy & Daddy to TRY and prevent them. Wouldn't that be cheating out life? Things will happen if they are bound to no matter what. I just wish they'd take a walk in my shoes for once.
I love them both dearly and I don't no what id do without those two but I wish they would just let go.
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:32 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Creating a bond with another and a love that lasts forever
Around Manny I can be myself, from clowning around to sheding my tears, I feel so comfortable. Three words, I love you, will never explain how I feel about him because its so much more than that. God has blessed me and I am lucky to have someone like him to love me for who I am... the ONLY one who loves me for me.
Thank you Baby. <3
October 5, 2007 ♥
i love you.
Posted by Who am I really? at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Against the world.
I must say... life isn't all what i thought it would be. Especially after high school. They say that things will always get worse before they get any better but when will it get better anyway? Sometimes I wish I can see what will happen... almost like supernatural, i could seeeeee the future. My love life & my social life.. family affairs and doing things FOR ME. Its like there's a boulder in my way of trying to proceed with my life. I give up all I have and I get a kick in the ass and multiple heartaches for being a good person.
Its like a girl needs to be a Bitch to get any respect around here because being sweet and kind gets you no where. Life is stupid and I hate it. I really do hope life turns out good at the end because giving up is LAST on my list. I'm almost 18 and i have yet accomplished what I've been wanting to. My mother says I shouldn't rush my life, which is true but a girl needs to grow into a woman sooner or later. What's a girl like me sitting around on my ass & being in the house get me? No where.
I want my life to begin to show results. I want to be happy and I want to be happy NOW. Relationships aren't at there best all the time but I wish it was 24/7.... like in fairy tales but fairy tales aren't real. All I have to do is hold on and hope He doesn't let go. I've always dreamed of getting married on a beach, having beautiful children and living happily ever after but I'm tired of dreaming. I want it to become reality and I'm scared thats not set in the path of my destiny.
God, i really do hope you got it all planned out for me.
Posted by Who am I really? at 10:01 AM 0 comments